Contact Okanagan Art Gallery
Interested artists can apply using our Contact Form. We are a Co-operative Gallery. New Members are juried into the Gallery by the Executive and Membership. The Gallery is looking for artists with quality artwork and who will be willing and able to work at the Gallery and contribute to the running of the Gallery in some additional way. Artists are expected to hang their own work in a professional way, hang new work every 3 months, attend monthly meetings, work at the Gallery 1-2 days per month, volunteer in some aspect which benefits the Gallery, contribute monthly fees, and pay a commission to the Gallery on sales.
Gallery Hours:
Winter hours from September 3, 2024 onwards - 11am to 4 pm Tuesday to Saturday
Summer hours starting May 20, 2025 - 10 to 4 pm Tuesday to Saturday
All other days by chance!

Send feedback or contact us using the following form: