Okanagan Art Gallery
The Hidden Door Artists' Co-Operative Gallery
Lyle Smuin - SS Sicamous
Lyle Smuin
Ron Spence - Prrrrrrrrr!!
Ron Spence
Sandra Sterling 3
Sandra Sterling
George Traicheff -  In the Beginning
George Traicheff
Randall Young - Into Eden
Randall Young
Sandra Albo - Starry Night, Haynes House
Sandra Albo
Jennifer Bilyk - White Wood Anemone
Jennifer Bilyk
Christine Buchler - Freedom and Peace
Christine Buchler
Jennifer Farnell - Hear the Silence
Jennifer Farnell
Donna Goett - Spotted Lake (Kllilx'w)
Donna Goett
Rod Gould - This is What Ambition Looks Like
Rod Gould
Nancy Gray - Rinsed and Ready
Nancy Gray
Larry Thor-Hunter - Crowsnest
Larry Thor Hunter
Myra Hammond - Fantasy
Myra Hammond
Michael Jorden  - Saskatoons, Sage and Mount Kobau
Michael Jorden
Jenny Lewis - Metropolis
Jenny Lewis
Dale Matthews
Dale Matthews
Graham Mckenzie - Evening Bliss
Graham Mckenzie
Libby Parsons - Winter's Blanket
Libby Parsons
Maureen Potter - Summer Memories
Maureen Potter
Wendy Provins - Bicycle with Flower Basket
Wendy Provins
Claudia Punter - Hope
Claudia Punter AFCA, SCA, AFC
Greg Reely - Road 22 Milky Way
Greg Reely
Vicki Rodgers -  Summit Lake Sunrise
Vicki Rodgers
Jane Scheffler -Coast Guard
Jane Scheffler